#37: Emotions and what to do with them (with Marc Alan Schelske)

“The Wisdom of your Heart” by Marc Alan Schelske has been one of the most important books for me in the last few years. In this interview Marc shared his story with me about being a very performance driven pastor and the effect that had on his family, his church and ultimately his mental and emotional health. We talked about why we have emotions at all, what purpose they serve and how to listen to them.

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#36: Brave Surrender (with Kim Walker-Smith)

Kim Walker-Smith’s moving autobiography “Brave Surrender” comes out April, 2019. In it she shares her story of growing up under the shadow of a number of major traumas and how she eventually met Jesus. I was impacted by her vulnerability and authenticity and I cried on almost every page. We discussed her writing process, her worship philosophy, parenting and more.

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#35: Love, justice and universalism (with Wm. Paul Young)

So I’m talking to William Paul Young, and I’m thinking, “Man, I’ve got the author of The Shack and Lies We Believe About God right here. Do I ask him about universalism? Does he believe God is a woman? What does he believe about hell? Can I ask to see his heretic card? Where do I even begin?!” We ended up having a beautiful, dynamic conversation centred on the intersection of love and justice in the context of Christ’s finished work on the cross. Beware… this might change your life.

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#33: ReGrace - When Christians Disagree (with Frank Viola)

Frank Viola’s latest book, ReGrace, looks at the shocking beliefs of many great Christians in order to help us extend grace to one another when we disagree. He reminded me that Jonathan Edwards wrote “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” which I think drastically distorts the character of God while also writing a brilliant apologetic for manifestations of the Holy Spirit, which I wholeheartedly believe in. If the great Jonathan Edwards had blind spots, so do we all.

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#32: Pastoring with the Holy Spirit (with Adam & Amy Ryan)

Pastoring a church is hard work. I spoke with Adam & Amy Ryan about their journey as a pastoral couple leading a small but vibrant Holy Spirit-oriented church. We discussed identity, whose church it really is, and regaining hope after seasons of hardship. Amy & Adam also shared about a chance encounter with Andrew Brunson, the American pastor recently released from prison in Turkey.

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#31: Transformative Masculinity (with Luke Gifford) - Part 2

What kind of man does your family say you are? What kind of a men do you want your boys to grow into? This week I spoke with men’s coach Luke Gifford about helping men become aware of their emotions, mastering fear and anger, moving beyond toxic masculinity and trying to raise kids who’ll face their monsters. And yes, of course, we talked about the Gillette Ad as well. This is the second part of our discussion.

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#30: Transformative Masculinity (with Luke Gifford) - Part 1

What kind of man do you want to be? What kind of a man do you want your husband to be? This week I spoke with men’s coach Luke Gifford about helping men become aware of their emotions, mastering fear and anger, moving beyond toxic masculinity and trying to raise kids who’ll face their monsters. And yes, of course, we talked about the Gillette Ad as well.

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#29: I Kissed My Dating Book Goodbye (with Joshua Harris)

If you were a Christian teenager in the late 90s or early 2000s there’s a good chance you read or were influenced by “I Kissed Dating Goodbye.” Twenty years on Joshua Harris has re-evaluated his message and removed the books from print. Joshua and I discussed the purity culture, the positive and negative effects of encouraging abstinence, his role in the pain that people experienced, and what the church can do better to prevent things like this happening in the future.

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#28: The Generous God

My church doesn’t really teach tithing but we definitely teach generosity. Why? Because God is generous. The early church understood this and gave to everyone in a way that turned both heads and hearts. This episode includes a sermon I preached on the subject of generosity and how God’s model of giving everything, at all times, to everyone, sets a standard that goes way beyond 10%.

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#27: The Church in American Exile (with Brian Zahnd)

Brian Zahnd joined me to discuss his new book Postcards from Babylon, as well as the multi-faceted nature of the church, the richness of spiritual diversity, and how to be faithful witnesses to Christ while living inside a dominant empire. What empire claims for itself (to have the divine right to rule others and the manifest destiny to shape history), is the very thing God has promised us through his son.

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#26: It's Not Supposed to be This Way (with Lysa TerKeust)

Two years ago Lysa Terkeurst announced that her husband had had an affair. Her latest book chronicles her agonizing journey of disappointment, and the wrestling with God that we all experience in times of deep pain and overwhelming confusion. Lysa and I talked about pain, forgiveness, and how God uses our very dust to create new life.

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#25: Authenticity in brokenness (with Sheila Walsh)

Well-known teacher and, singer/songwriter Sheila Walsh I talked about brokenness, mental health, suicide, gender roles in church, and the God who loves us through it all. We also talked about her new book: It’s OK Not To Be OK. Sheila dropped some of the most quotable truth-bombs of any guest so far.

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