Posts tagged kingdom
#28: The Generous God

My church doesn’t really teach tithing but we definitely teach generosity. Why? Because God is generous. The early church understood this and gave to everyone in a way that turned both heads and hearts. This episode includes a sermon I preached on the subject of generosity and how God’s model of giving everything, at all times, to everyone, sets a standard that goes way beyond 10%.

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#27: The Church in American Exile (with Brian Zahnd)

Brian Zahnd joined me to discuss his new book Postcards from Babylon, as well as the multi-faceted nature of the church, the richness of spiritual diversity, and how to be faithful witnesses to Christ while living inside a dominant empire. What empire claims for itself (to have the divine right to rule others and the manifest destiny to shape history), is the very thing God has promised us through his son.

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