#83: Why Would Anyone Go to Church? (with Kevin Makins)
“In the life of Christ we see both healing and co-suffering presence. Until we do the same, our neighbours are going to say, “Well, it’s an awfully nice club you have there on Sunday but it doesn’t mean anything for the rest of us.””
My guest this week is Kevin Makins, pastor of Eucharist Church in Hamilton, Ontario. Kevin and I chatted about walking away from God, building communities that are safe for people questioning their faith, and how Jesus shatters the idols we make out of our churches and communities. This conversation presents a hope-filled, loved-centred path forward for the church in secular society. It’s full of joy. You’ll love it.
Order Why Would Anyone Go to Church? A Young Community’s Quest to Reclaim Church for Good, by Kevin Makins.
Visit Kevin online at kevinmakins.com.
Subscribe to his YouTube channel at youtube.com/kevinmakins.
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