#99: Highlights from the first 100 episodes (Aundi Kolber, Luke Gifford & Stephanie Tait)

What if you were to completely focus on how good you are for a whole year? Just as a practice. How much deeper into the root system of your being would the sense of your own goodness become?
— Luke Gifford

This week we do a bit of a retrospective and I highlight some of the most popular episodes since The Puddcast began, as well as those that were the most impactful in my own life. As promised, I also reveal the guests of my upcoming panel on Jesus + Trauma!

Inside this episode you’ll find a replay of the very first episode of The Puddcast (“God is Everywhere”) as well as clips from my interviews with Luke Gifford, Aundi Kolber and Stephanie Tait. There’s also lots of further commentary from me looking back on the first 3 years of The Puddcast. As well, tune in to hear the exciting news of what I’ll be able to do once I hit 70 Patrons!

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Order my trauma-informed 30-day devotional, You Are Enough: Learning to Love Yourself the Way God Loves You.
Find every book or resource I’ve talked about recently on my Amazon storefront, in Canada, the United States or the United Kingdom.

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