#69: You Are Enough (free Lenten devotional)
“If I was talking to you right now, I would tell you that you are allowed to love yourself the same way God loves you. You are allowed to pour out love upon yourself in endless extravagance because you carry the very image of God inside you and that’s exactly what God does.”
This week's guest on The Puddcast is yours truly! I'm introducing my new devotional You Are Enough: Learning to Love Yourself the Way God Loves You through a free daily email during the season of Lent. In this episode, I explain the origins of Lent, how Easter is like heart surgery for Christians and why it’s worth preparing for surgery, and then I read the first daily reflection along with the accompanying meditation from my book. My invitation to you is to give up self-hatred, self-doubt and self-condemnation for lent this year, and try on love instead.
The email series will commence on Ash Wednesday, 26th February 2020.
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