#58: Decentering whiteness (with Gricel Medina)
“Seek out and promote women of colour and when viciousness comes against them, please—men of God—defend your sisters. It’s even more empowering for us when it comes from you.”
My guest this week is Pastor Gricel Medina. Serving in the Evangelical Covenant Church, Gricel has been involved in planting and mentoring multi-ethnic church congregations and has served on a number of boards and committees for racial gender equity, among many other things. She shared her powerful life story and we discussed the problems of a white-centric and male-centric church leadership culture. Get ready!
Resources mentioned:
Support my work at patreon.com/jonathanpuddle
Order The God Who Sees, by Karen González.
Learn more about the Reverend Dr. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier
Find out more about Sandra van Opstal at sandravanopstal.com
Read Gricel’s writing at EzerRising.com
Follow Gricel on Instagram and Twitter