#59: Racial justice engagement for white people (with Cara Meredith)
“When I engage in issues of justice, if I’m doing it for people of color, then I’m othering and being a white saviour and I’m not owning it within myself. When I grapple & accept wholeness as a white person, then I can’t help but want this wholeness for other people.”
Cara Meredith, author of The Color of Life, joined me on the show this week to talk about the unique role white people can play in racial justice and reconciliation work. Cara is a former high school English teacher and used to work in the non-profit outreach sector before focusing on speaking and writing. We talked all about how to have our eyes and ears opened to the realities of injustice and how to start feeling the pain of it ourselves, as a way to enter the conversation holistically and with integrity.
Resources mentioned:
Support my work at patreon.com/jonathanpuddle
Order The Color of Life: A Journey toward Love and Racial Justice, by Cara Meredith.
Read Cara’s blog and other writing at carameredith.com
Follow Cara on Instagram and Twitter