#78: Your Soul's Purpose and The Enneagram (with Christopher Heuertz)

When I say we’re born our type, what I really mean is that we are born to bring a specific healing gift into the world; our souls have purpose and they are purposed.
— Christopher Heuertz

This week I had the distinct privilege of sitting down with Christopher Heuertz and discussing his brand new book, The Enneagram of Belonging: A Compassionate Journey of Self-Acceptance. Chris’s work has been instrumental in my own journey of self-love and so it was a real honour to drill deep into some core philosophical aspects of the Enneagram (including some of the ways people frequently misapply the tools), followed by a review of the new language he gives us in this book. If you have ever felt frustrated or put into a box by the Enneagram, you’ll find some things here that I hope will be helpful and freeing for you.

UPDATE: I am aware of claims against Chris Heuertz and I have done my best to investigate the issue as far as I am able. You can read about these claims here, along with Chris’ response to them, and the response of an investigation by the board of directors of the Gravity Institute. I have chosen to keep Chris’ interview here as I believe the material is helpful. I encourage you to discern for yourself how to proceed regarding Chris’ work.

Listen to Chris read the first 9 minutes of the book for free, right here.
Order The Enneagram of Belonging: A Compassionate Journey of Self-Acceptance, by Christopher L. Heuertz
Follow Chris on Instagram or Twitter
Visit Chris online at chrisheuertz.com

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