#52: How to Raise Jesus-Centered Kids (with Natalie Frisk)
“Discipleship as parents is reorienting ourselves towards Jesus each day so that we can orient our kids to Jesus each day.”
Natalie Frisk oversees the curriculum development for kids from birth to high school at The Meeting House (think Bruxy Cavey). She joined me on The Puddcast to talk about parenting and discipleship of children, especially in a context of deconstruction. How do you raise kids to care about faith when you’re busy cleaning up the junk in your own spiritual life? Natalie had many amazing and insightful things to share. You should definitely order her book at the link below and enter a draw to win another copy as well.
Resources mentioned:
Support my work at patreon.com/jonathanpuddle
Read or watch my memorial to Jarrid Wilson
Natalie’s ReKnew blog post: Born Disciples: On Raising Kids to Follow Jesus
Order Raising Disciples: How to Make Faith Matter for Our Kids by Natalie Frisk
Win a free, signed copy of Natalie’s book by entering my giveaway.
Visit Natalie online at nataliefrisk.com
Download a free copy of The Meeting House kids’ church curriculum at curriculum.church