Posts tagged church
Dear Pastor: What is your church's career path?

Most churches are founded around a shared set of values. God often gives someone (or a group of someones) a blueprint, a vision of some aspect of spiritual life that has been neglected in their generation or their region. A community grows around these values. What happens once the community is saturated with your values? Do you keep force-feeding them, or find new values?

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At the feet of Jesus

We can interact with Jesus in many different ways. Spiritually, mystically, communally, obediently, bodily... but it's all a manifestation of the the same thing. Everything we do for one another is serving God himself, and when we serve God alone in worship and adoration, we also serve each other.

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The New Missional Paradigm - Part 3: Church as Community, Work as Church

This post is the final in a 3-part series called "The New Missional Paradigm"; it's something of a manifesto on the intersection of church, community and business management. Please see the first part for a thorough introduction, and for an introduction to the concept of spiritual community: what it is, and why it's God's plan.

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